Ladies, we have all earned a well deserved high-heel break, you with me!? But no one wants to settle for an unpleasant flat that’s plastic-y and uncomfortable. So we opt for the best alternative for comfort and style and that my friends is (drum roll please)…Minnetonka Shoes. Minnetonka Moccasins, available for your convenience on Sterling Leather’s website, are quite the fashion statement these days. They are everywhere. Right now is that time of year, you don’t really want to start wearing big boots or booties and you are way to cold for sandals and open toe shoes, so what do you wear? Some settle for uncomfortable clogs than can get your socks dirty and even leave you feeling cold, considering they are half open!! But with moccasins, you can’t lose. They will be stylish, comfortable, and keep you warm, and that’s exactly where you want to be. The great thing about Minnetonka Moccasins is that there are so many variations to choose from. You want color; they got it, how about some décor, yep that too. Are you looking for a moccasin bootie or even a fancier moccasin boot, they offer all kinds of selections. All of these fabulous finds can be purchased through Sterlingleather.com.
What better convenience than a shoe, a flat shoe, which can be worn with jeans and a colorful tee on the weekend. Be paired with white cropped pants and a sexy top for lunch with the girls and casual Fridays at the office. These are not your average moccasins and not those simplistic shoes that were created years upon years ago. Moccasins are stylish even in their most classic form and today they’re offered in bootie and platform versions.
Available with bows, with beads, and in every color of the rainbow, Minnetonka Moccasin shoes, found on the Sterling Leather website can be your one stop shoe shop for this fall.
If you’re feeling the chills at home, it is highly recommended that you check out the fabulous Minnetonka slippers. They are available in an assortment of colors and shapes as well, just like the shoes, and are cozy and keep your toes warm all season long. These are an investment, not just a slipper people! Minnetonka Moccasins offers their customers comfortable shoes for a value price and in today’s economy we all want to save a buck, but we don’t necessarily want to cut back. Sterling Leather sells the complete line of Minnetonka Brand shoes and slippers, amongst many other things, offering you a great price for something really nice!
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